Bus Transit Centers

Transit Centers and Transfer Points are locations where Kitsap Transit buses and ferries meet up to allow the safe transfer of passengers from one route to another. 

Transfers allow riders to complete a one-way trip on a single fare, even if that trip involves a route change. Paper transfers are issued to cash-paying riders at the time of boarding, and are valid for the next bus or foot ferry traveling in the same trip direction. Paper transfers are accepted only at the transfer centers and transfer points listed below.

ORCA card users who pay their regular or reduced fare from E-purse are entitled to one free, 2-hour transfer. ORCA transfers are good in any direction of travel from any location. Transfers are free when riding Kitsap Transit vehicles. When transferring to a Pierce, Metro, Community, Sound or Everett Transit vehicle within 2 hours, riders will be given credit for the fare paid, and must only pay the difference in fares.

Links and Resources

Transit Centers
Transfer Points
Bus Staging Diagrams

Transit Centers

Kitsap Transit buses meet at transit centers, allowing riders to change from one bus to another.  Please see the indivudual schedules for connection times. 

Kitsap Transit does not provide parking at transit centers, but it may be available in the general area. Pay parking is available at ferry terminals.  Four EV chargers are available in the Harborside Building P-1 parking area adjacent to the Bremerton Transportation Center. The chargers are free with an OpConnect card. 

Bremerton Transportation Center (Ferry Terminal)
Address: 10 Washington Ave, Bremerton 98337

#202 - Central Kitsap Fast Ferry
#212 - Bremerton/Silverdale West
#215 - McWilliams Commuter
#217 - Bremerton/Silverdale East
#220 - Sunn Fjord 
#221 - Perry Avenue
#222 - Gateway 
#224 - Olympic College  
#225 - Sheridan Park
#226 - Bay Vista 
#228 - Marion 
#229 - Trenton Commuter 
#301 - North Kitsap Fast Ferry 
Kitsap Transit Local Foot Ferries 
Bremerton Fast Ferry 
​​Mason Transit
​​Washington State Ferries

Bainbridge Island Ferry Terminal
270 Olympic Drive SE, Bainbridge 98110

#93 - Manzanita
#94 - Agate Point
#95 - Battle Point
#96 - Sunrise
#97 - Crystal Springs
#98 - Fort Ward
#99 - Bill Point
#106 - Fletcher Bay
#333 - Silverdale/Bainbridge
#338 - Gateway/Bainbridge Express
#390 - Poulsbo/Bainbridge
#391 - Kingston/Bainbridge
BI Ride
Clallam Transit System - #123 Strait Shot
Washington State Ferries

Wheaton Way Transit Center
3915 Wheaton Way, Bremerton 98310

West Bremerton Transit Center
540 Bruenn Ave, Bremerton 98312

#215 - McWilliams Commuter #212 - Bremerton/Silverdale West
#217 - Bremerton/Silverdale East #220 - Sunn Fjord 
#219 - Crossroads Commuter #224 - Olympic College  
#221 - Perry Avenue #226 - Bay Vista 
#223 - Kariotis #228 - Marion 
#225 - Sheridan Park
#229 - Trenton Commuter
#301 - North Kitsap Fast Ferry

Silverdale Transit Center
Sid Uhinck & Chena Road, Silverdale 98383

North Viking Transit Center
21992 Viking Ave NW, Poulsbo 98370

#212 - Bremerton/Silverdale West  #307 - Kingston/North Viking Fast Ferry
#217 - Bremerton/Silverdale East  #332 - Poulsbo/Silverdale
#223 - Kariotis #344 - Poulsbo Central
#265 - Silverdale Central #390 - Poulsbo/Bainbridge
#266 - Silverdale Ridgetop Jefferson Transit
#301 - North Kitsap Fast Ferry Clallam Transit System - #123 Strait Shot
#331 - Poulsbo/Myhre
#332 - Poulsbo/Ridgetop 
#333 - Silverdale/Bainbridge

Kingston Ferry Terminal
11264 State Route 104, Kingston 98346

Port Orchard Ferry Dock
73 Sidney Ave, Port Orchard 98366

#302 - Kingston/Suquamish Fast Ferry #4 - Tremont
#307 - Kingston/North Viking Fast Ferry #5 - Sidney
#391 - Kingston/Bainbridge #8 - Bethel
Kingston Fast Ferry #9 - South Park
Kingston Ride Fast Ferry Commuter #86 - Southworth Shuttle
Kingston Ride Kitsap Transit Foot Ferry
Washington State Ferries Purdy Ride

Southworth Ferry Terminal
11564 SE State Hwy. 160, Southworth 98386

#85 - Mullenix Express 
#86 - Southworth Shuttle 
#184 - Harper Shuttle
Southworth Ride Fast Ferry Commuter
Washington State Ferries

Transfer Points

Annapolis Ferry Dock
1076 Bay Street, Port Orchard 98366

Hwy. 305 & Suquamish Way

#81 - Annapolis Commuter  #302 - Kingston/Suquamish Fast Ferry
Kitsap Transit Foot Ferry  #333 - Silverdale/Bainbridge
#338 - Gateway/Bainbridge Express
#390 - Poulsbo/Bainbridge
#391 - Kingston/Bainbridge

McWilliams Park & Ride (All four corners of Hwy. 303 & McWilliams)

Suquamish Park & Ride
Division Ave at Geneva St

#215 - McWilliams Commuter  #302 - Kingston/Suquamish Fast Ferry
#217 - Bremerton/Silverdale East #391 - Kingston/Bainbridge
#219 - Crossroads Shuttle 
#223 - Kariotis  
#301 - North Kitsap Fast Ferry

Port Orchard Wal-Mart (includes stop by Office Depot as well as stops on Bethel in front of Safeway)
3497 Bethel Rd SE, Port Orchard 98366

George's Corner Park & Ride
27618 Hansville Rd NE, Kingston 98346

#8 - Bethel  #307 - Kingston/North Viking Fast Ferry
#9 - South Park #391 - Kingston/Bainbridge

Gateway Fellowship Park & Ride
18901 8th Ave NE, Poulsbo 98370

Miller Bay & Indianola

#333 - Silverdale/Bainbridge #302 - Kingston/Suquamish Fast Ferry
#338 - Gateway/Bainbridge Express #391 - Kingston/Bainbridge
#344 - Poulsbo Central

St. Gabriel's Church (includes stops on both sides of Mitchell, north of Melcher)
1150 Mitchell Ave SE, Port Orchard 98366

#8 - Bethel
#9 - South Park

Diagrams of Bus Staging at Transit Centers

To print a staging map, hold down the shift key before clicking on the map.

Island Ferry Terminal

Transportation Center

Ferry Terminal

West Bremerton
Transit Center

Wheaton Way
Transit Center

Transit Center

North Viking
Transit Center

BITC Staging Diagram Disabled Pick-Up/Drop-Off Southworth Staging Diagram WBTC Staging Diagram Wheaton Way Staging Diagram Silverdale Transit Center Staging Diagram North Viking Staging Diagram
AM Ferry Trips
AM 6:15
AM 7:05
PM 4:00
PM 4:30
PM 5:25
PM 5:48
PM Evening

#123 Strait Shot - Clallam Transit System

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60 Washington Avenue, Suite 200, Bremerton, WA 98337 Visit our office Phone: (360) 373-2877 or 1-800-501-RIDE