Transit Board
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Kitsap Transit Board of Commissioners for Tuesday, February 04, 2025, has been canceled.
The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 18, 2025.
If you have any questions regarding this notice, please notify Jackie Bidon, Clerk of the Board at 360-478-6230 or JacquelynB@kitsaptransit.com.
How to Provide Public Comments
The Clerk of the Board accepts public comments on behalf of the Board in the following ways:
- Written Comment: Please submit comments by 4:00 PM the day prior to the meeting.
- Email: Jacquelynb@kitsaptransit.com – Include the following information: Subject: Public Comment and [Date] Board Meeting
- Phone: 360-478-6230
Live Public Comment: Members of the public may attend the meeting in person and provide comments during the Public Comment portion of the agenda.
“Public Comment - Members of the public shall have the right to make comments and statements regarding the affairs of Kitsap Transit in general, and matters on the Agenda in particular, during the portion of the meeting of the Board set aside for public comment. Unless a different length of time is announced by the Chairperson prior to the beginning of the public comment period, public comment by each speaker shall be limited to three (3) minutes. In the event a Member poses a question to such speaker, the Chairperson may extend such speaker's time as the Chairperson deems reasonable or necessary to enable the speaker to respond.”
All board meetings are public and anyone may attend. You can read and download board meeting agendas and materials at the links above.
If you have any questions about the Board or the agency, please contact Kitsap Transit Clerk of the Board/Public Records Officer, Jackie Bidon, at 360-478-6230 or via email at JacquelynB@kitsaptransit.com.
About the Transit Board
The Kitsap Transit Board of Commissioners meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month:
- The first Tuesday meeting of the month begins at 10:30 a.m. in the Chambers Room of the Norm Dicks Government Center, 345 6th Street, Bremerton, WA 98337.
- The third Tuesday meeting of the month begins at 8:30 a.m. in the 3rd Floor Conference Room at the Harborside Building, 60 Washington Ave, Suite 310, Bremerton, WA 98337.
The 10-member Board is comprised of nine elected officials and a non-voting member who represents the agency's labor unions, as required by state law. The nine elected officials are comprised of:
- Three members of the Legislative body of Kitsap County
- The mayor of Bremerton
- The mayor or a member of the city council, chosen by the council for Bainbridge Island, Port Orchard and Poulsbo
- A member of the Bremerton City Council, as appointed by the City Council President
- An at-large member is chosen by the Transit Board Chair from among the elected officials of the three smaller cities, Bainbridge Island, Port Orchard and Poulsbo, who express an interest to the board chair
The nine elected officials serve Transit Board terms commensurate to the term of their elective office, except for the non-voting and at-large Board members; they serve for two-year terms.
The Transit Board is a policy-making board. In addition to considering a variety of operational topics, ranging from large bus purchases to software upgrades, it also deliberates on policy issues such as how much Routed or ACCESS service the agency puts on the street.
In terms of basic transit agency operations, unbudgeted items that will cost more than $100,000 must go to the board for approval.
The Transit Board also considers items like:
Each month, the board receives written monthly progress reports on agency finances, ridership and fuel costs. The board also hears reports about upcoming/ongoing projects such as the KT's participation in the regional Smart Card or ORCA program, the results of customer service surveys in ACCESS or what is going on at the Legislature that affects KT. The board also fulfills required duties like holding public hearings on required state reports like KT's Transit Development Plan or the required federal Disadvantaged Business Enterprise plan.
- authorization to request bids and proposals, and later awarding contracts for activities such as rebuilding bus or van transmissions or auto body repair
- land purchases and construction projects
- contracts with service providers and for professional services such as those from attorneys and engineers
- contracts for operating supplies like tires, filters and the printing of new route schedules
- federal and state grant applications
- changes in fares
As stated in the Kitsap Transit Board of Commissioners Bylaws, section 5:I, below and RCW 42.30.240.
Current Kitsap Transit Board of Commissioners
Robert Driskell, Teamsters Local No. 589, non-voting member
360-613-4062; robertd@teamsters589.org
Becky Erickson, Mayor, City of Poulsbo
360-779-3901; berickson@cityofpoulsbo.com
Oran Root, Kitsap County Commissioner
360-337-7080; oroot@kitsap.gov
Anna Mockler, Councilmember, City of Bremerton
360-473-5280; anna.mockler@ci.bremerton.wa.us
Robert Putaansuu, Mayor, City of Port Orchard, Chair
360-876-4407; rputaansuu@cityofportorchard.us
Christine Rolfes, Kitsap County Commissioner
360-337-7080; crolfes@kitsap.gov
Clarence Moriwaki, Councilmember, City of Bainbridge Island
206-491-6131; cmoriwaki@bainbridgewa.gov
Jay Rosapepe, Councilmember, City of Port Orchard, Member at Large
360-621-3318; jrosapepe@portorchardwa.gov
Katie Walters, Kitsap County Commissioner, Vice Chair
360-337-7080; kwalters@kitsap.gov
Greg Wheeler, Mayor, City of Bremerton
360-473-5266; greg.wheeler@ci.bremerton.wa.us
Board of Commissioners Resolutions
Board of Commissioners Video Archives
Transit 101 (update in progress)