Agency Directory

Frequently Requested Contacts

Customer Comments & Feedback: (360) 377-2877 or Contact Form
ACCESS Customer Service: (360) 479-7272 or ACCESS Page
News Media & Community Relations: (360) 824-4926 / 824-4927 or News Media Inquiry Form
Public Records Requests: (360) 478-6230 or Public Records Page

Key contacts in our departments are listed below for the public's convenience. 


John Clauson, Executive Director, (360) 478-6223
Charlotte Sampson, Executive Assistant / Deputy Clerk, (360) 478-5494
Jackie Bidon, Clerk of the Board / Public Records Officer, (360) 478-6230

The Executive Department directs and coordinates the transit agency's overall activities as well as supports the Board of Commissioners and responds to requests for public records.


Michael Bozarth, Director of Operations, (360) 478-5491
Kathryn Jordan, Routed Operations Manager, (360) 479-6966
Jeff Vinecourt, ACCESS and Dial-A-Ride Operations Manager, (360) 478-2008

Operations is responsible for transporting the public by bus on fixed-route, Worker/Driver, ACCESS (paratransit), and Dial-A-Ride / On-Demand services. Operations also reviews and processes applications from the public for ACCESS service.

Marine Services

Ray Scott, Marine Services Director, (360) 377-2838
Brad Shellito, Port Captain, (360) 473-1133
Lisa Dueñas, Marine Services Supervisor, (360) 824-4923

The Marine Services Department is responsible for transporting the public by ferry on two Local Foot Ferry routes (Bremerton-Annapolis, Bremerton-Port Orchard) and three Fast Ferry routes (Bremerton-Seattle, Kingston-Seattle and Southworth-Seattle).


Dennis Griffey, Vehicle & Facilities Maintenance Director, (360) 478-6229

The Maintenance Department is responsible for keeping the agency’s buses, vans and support vehicles in a state of good repair as well as supporting a clean, safe and reliable environment on buses and at operating bases, transit centers, park & rides, bus stops & shelters and administrative offices. The division contributes to a cleaner environment by meeting ISO 14001 standards and managing programs for recycling, stormwater, hazardous materials, and chemical use and storage.


Paul Shinners, Finance Director, (360) 824-4908
Brian Rojo, Deputy Finance Director, (360) 479-6960
Patrick Rogers, Procurement, (360) 479-6960

The Finance Department records and maintains the agency’s financial transactions and records. Responsibilities include payroll, accounts payable, accounts receivable, fixed assets, cash management, budgeting, procurement and risk management. The department prepares the agency’s budget and financial reports

Services & Capital Development

Steffani Lillie, Service & Capital Development Director, (360) 478-6931
Tommy Fernandez, Vanpool, (360) 478-5858
Joshua Hall, VanLink, (360) 373-2586
Marilyn James, Parking infractions, (360) 377-8230
Lindsay Kuiphoff, Commute Trip Reduction, (360) 824-4948

Service & Capital Development develops and evaluates transit services and coordinates short- and long-range planning for the agency. The department manages the agency’s vanpool, Commute Trip Reduction and Title VI programs as well as the agency’s capital projects and information systems. The department also works with public agencies and developers to ensure that new developments meet transit customer needs.

Human Resources

Mary Pauly, Human Resources Director, (360) 478-5852
Marianne Rajan, Human Resources Manager, (360) 478-5852

Human Resources administers job recruitment and employment, employee benefits, and classification and compensation. The department also oversees staff training, labor contracts, health and welfare, worker’s compensation, unemployment insurance, labor relations, safety and accident prevention, and vehicle accident and incident claims management.


Sanjay Bhatt, Marketing & Public Information Director, (360) 824-4926
Michelle Jayroe, Customer Service Manager, (360) 475-0824

The Marketing Department promotes awareness and use of Kitsap Transit's services and leads activities that engage community trust and participation in Kitsap Transit's mission. The department produces the agency’s public-information materials and manages the agency’s call center, website, rider alerts, social media, signage and branding. The department also oversees customer service, media relations, community surveys, advertising, quarterly system reports, internal communications and stakeholder relations.

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60 Washington Avenue, Suite 200, Bremerton, WA 98337 Visit our office Phone: (360) 373-2877 or 1-800-501-RIDE