Helpful Videos
Have questions about riding on Kitsap Transit? We are here to help. Check back for more helpful videos on Kitsap Transit's services.
Bus Schedule Basics: SchedulesHow to read and understand timepoints, symbols, and maps in Kitsap Transit's schedules. |
Bus Schedule Basics: TransfersLearn how to use ORCA and Paper Transfers. |
Bus Schedule Basics: Park & RidesWatch this video to learn about Kitsap Transit's Park & Rides. |
Transit GO Day PassLearn how to purchase a Kitsap Transit Day Pass with the Transit GO Ticket mobile app. Note: This video also shows how to buy multiple tickets. |
Transit GO Single Bus PassLearn how to purchase a Kitsap Transit Single Ride Bus Pass with the Transit GO Ticket mobile app.
Transit GO Fast Ferry PassLearn how to purchase a Kitsap Transit Fast Ferry Pass with the Transit GO Ticket mobile app.
How to Use Ride PingoLearn how to book a ride on BI Ride or Sunday On-Demand with the Ride Pingo app. |
Using a Bike RackLearn to use Kitsap Transit's bike racks. |
Travel Training: Riding Made EasyKitsap Transit is here to help with FREE travel Training, learn how to sign up. |
Rides on Demand by TripSparkBook a trip on Kingston or SK Ride instantly from your phone and track your bus in real time. |
Kitsap Transit 101An introduction and behind-the-scenes tour of everything Kitsap Transit – our history, services operations and facilities. |