Special Fare Programs

Reduced Fare & Regional Reduced Fare

The following riders may be eligible for Reduced Fare on Kitsap Transit services or Regional Reduced Fare on Kitsap Transit and other transit agencies in our region.

  • Medicare Card holders
  • Senior – Age 65 or older
  • Disability
  • Low Income

For details on qualification and how to get your card, click here.

Qualified reduced fare riders can purchase and load reduced fare bus passes on their ORCA card and ride Kitsap Transit routed bus service, the local foot ferries or fast ferries for one half the cost of regular one way fares when paying from E-purse. Regional cards also offer discounts on transit agencies across the region, such as Pierce Transit or Metro.

Free Riders

The following riders can board a Kitsap Transit routed bus or foot ferry free of charge:

  • Personal-Care Attendant - Attendant traveling with eligible disabled customer.
  • Children/Youth: Eighteen (18) and under ride FREE of charge with a regional ORCA Free Youth Transit Pass or valid student ID. Children five (5) and under do not require identification, 
    but must be accompanied by a responsible passenger.
  • Public Safety Officer - Any of the region's law enforcement personnel and firefighters with proper ID, in or out of uniform, on or off duty and inside or outside of their jurisdiction.

Transfer Policy

ORCA card users who pay their regular or reduced fare from E-purse are entitled to a free 2-hour transfer. ORCA transfers are good in any direction of travel at any location. Transfers are free between Kitsap Transit vehicles. When transferring to a Pierce, Metro, Community, Sound or Everett Transit vehicle within 2 hours, riders will be given credit for the fare paid, paying only the difference in fares.

Riders paying with cash can request a paper transfer. Paper transfers are valid at transfer centers and transfer points only for the next connecting Kitsap Transit bus or foot ferry. Paper transfers are NOT valid on Kitsap Transit Fast Ferries. 


The monthly cost of riding a Kitsap Transit vanpool is determined by the size of the van and the number of daily round-trip miles the van travels. The total fare is divided among the members of the vanpool. Click here for the vanpool fare chart.

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60 Washington Avenue, Suite 200, Bremerton, WA 98337 Visit our office Phone: (360) 373-2877 or 1-800-501-RIDE